高考网 发表于 2016-7-17 09:43:43


  Unit 8 Sports
  一、 词语例解
  1. tie
  【用法】 n. 1) 领带;领结 (long, narrow piece of cloth that a man wears round the neck of his shirt)
  I only wear a tie on special occasions. 我只在特殊场合才打领带。
  A red tie will match that suit.红领带很配那件衣服。
  The sunlight has faded my tie.阳光晒得我的领带褪了颜色。
  2) 纽带;关系 (something that holds people together)
  He doesn't want to live in London because of his family ties in Newcastle. 因为他的家庭关系都在纽卡斯尔,所以不愿住在伦敦。
  We have established trade ties with these regions.我们和这些地区建立了贸易关系。
  3) 打成平局;得分相同 (end a game or competition with the same marks, etc. for both sides)
  They made a tie of 2-2 in the game.他们在这场比赛中以2比2打平。
  The Shanghai and Tianjin teams are to play off their tie against each other the coming Sunday.打成平局的上海队和天津队将于星期天再次举行比赛,以决胜负。

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