高考网 发表于 2016-7-17 09:49:14


  21.China warned the French President Sarkozy(萨科奇)to ________ the meeting with the Dalai Lama, which, however, didn't work.
  A. call onB. call upC. call inD. call off
  22.Motoman, the latest robot developed by Japanese scientists and skillfully cooked a pancake in an exhibition in Osaka earlier this month, showed it could ________ a kitchen.
  A. take over B. take offC. take upD. take in
  23.The sudden earthquake caused great ________ to people's property(财产), which will take them a long time to recover.
  A. damageB. destructionC. lossD. harm
  24.It is said that blood is thicker than water. So family ________ are always strong however far away the different family members live.
  A. relations B. ties   C. relatives D. conditions
  25.Whoever has________ sense knows that smoking is harmful to people's health.
  A. normal B. general C. commonD. usual
  26.Nowadays we can't see dinosaurs because they ________ long long ago.
  A. gave out    B. ran outC. went outD. died out
  27.Wild animals ________ tigers and pandas are becoming rare.
  A. as follows B. for exampleC. such as D. for instance
  28.All too ________ it is time to go back to school after the wonderful winter holidays.
  A. often B. fastC. late   D. soon
  29.The Beijing Olympic Games has been the biggest ________ Games in the world.
  A. live B. livelyC. aliveD. living
  30.What measures have Western countries ________ to survive the ongoing international financial crisis (金融危机)?
  A. followedB. takenC. made   D. had
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查看完整版本: 黄冈中学2008年秋季高一英语期末考试试题