2012年高考英语冲刺复习考试技术B. She probably feels very proud to be a help of her husband.
C. She probably quarrels with her husband all the time.
D. She probably feels very happy to have such a successful husband.
3)Which of the following best describes the writer’s attitude towards Mr Neff?
A. He finds Mr Neff hard to understand.
B. He thinks Mr Neff wonderful.
C. He feels pity for Mr Neff.
D. He does not like Mr Neff.
以上各题的答案均没有直接表述在短文里,必须从字里行间悟出作者的言外之意。本文记叙的是一位一贯正确的人Mr Neff。根据这一主题,可推知他对自己的一切都很满意。第 1题选项D为正确答案。从Mr Neff事事正确,而Mr Neff又鲜为人知出发,可得出结论 Neff夫人在任何事情上都服从于她丈夫这一事实,故第2题A为正确项。尽管短文中没有直接陈述作者对MrNeff这一人物的态度,但从主题思想和某些措辞中仍可悟出作者对Mr Neff很讨厌这一事实。如作者在文章中一再使用“Never”,一词,并还写到...Even if he does miss them,it is alway Sthe fault of the buses of the airplanes.”等来暗示他对Mr Neff的厌恶之情,故第3题D为正确答案。
1. We can infer from the passage (paragraph, fact, example.。. ) that_______.
2. The writer suggests that_______.
3. From the passage (paragraph, story.。. ), we can tell_______.
4. The passage implies, but does not directly state that_______.
5. We may conclude from the passage that_______.
6. The writer‘s (author’s) attitude toward is_______.
7. The tone of the passage is_______.