第一步,快速浏览文章(skimming),把握文章的篇章结构及主旨大意。 2010高考(论坛)阅读简答题是一篇关于“美国体育教育”的新闻报道,通过快速浏览可知,首段为主题段,主要讲“Phys ED is making a comeback as a part of the school core curriculum, but with a difference。”接着3段围绕主题,讲到了现存问题的成因和体育教育革新的益处。
第二步,仔细阅读4个问题 ,并带着问题到原文中寻找相关的信息(scan-ning)。 81题中根据lift weights, balance their diets and build physical endurance等词可以清楚地知道答题信息在首段中间部分,而rather than 和文章中的instead of 表达的是同一个意思,因此learn how to climb a rope作为答案就显而易见了。同理,从82题中的school boards可知,答案在第二段的中间部分。 83题中,two problems with teaching group sports 明确告诉考生存在两个problems,当最后一段的首句出现“Another problem with teaching group sports”时,敏锐的学生立刻意识到除了该句之外,上文还应该谈到另一个problem: “teaching sports like football result in less overall movement”。对84题而言,确定信息的位置具有一定的难度,因为问句中没有出现与文章高度相关的词汇。但从long-term benefit可推测出“益处”不仅在学校时,而且可以在毕业之后。由此,可知答案在尾段最后处。
首先,在组织语句时,要遵循保留主干(核心词),去掉枝叶(修饰部分)的基本原则。例如82题,原文中的材料为“school boards often put P.E. on the chopping block, cutting it entirely or decreasing its teachers or the days it is offered。” 如果照抄照搬显然是不行的。分析题目,发现either一词,可以想到either…or…的联系,由此,可以去掉“put PE on the chopping block”部分,填入cut it entirely or decrease its teachers or the days it is offered。再去掉修饰用的定语从句it is offered, 正好满足了10个词的答题要求。
其次,尽量用词或短语来代替句子,用简单句来代替复合句,学会英语表达中的同义词代替和不同词性的转换。 83题就是考察考生能否灵活运用的典型题目。通过对题目“what are the two problems with simply teaching group sports?”的分析,what的提问可以用名词来回答,而two problems 可以采用A and B 的方式来回答。从句子teaching sports like football resulted in less overall movement不难找出 A= less overall movement. 但对B的归纳则有相当的难度。“Only a tiny percentage of students continue playing them after graduating from high school” 是一个较长的句子,先考虑把它转化为动名词形式—students’continuing playing sports/students’ playing sports. 因字数限制,还需考虑其他浓缩成分的方法,only a tiny percentage of 用近义词few代替;graduating from high school 用其名词形式graduation替代。至此,该句子可 以 用 few students’ playing sports after graduation/students’stopping playing sports after graduation等结构表示B。A and B正好满足了字数的要求。84题的解答需要一定的技能,What is the long-term benefit of the new P.E program? 如果用复合句The long-term benefit of the new P.E. program is that … 的形式显然达不到题目的要求。这时,只需要用that…这个表语从句中所包含的简单句就可以了。而根据题意要求,长远的益处应该是所学的技能能够能延续至成年,因此答案可以为The skills learned can translate to adulthood. |